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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

the source of incredible Health Benefits of Moringa Oleifera (indonesia: daun kelor)

The Miracle of Moringa Tree Leaves (Moringa Oleifera), commonly called the 'drumstick tree", and 'horseradish tree' is native to India but has been planted around the world and is naturalized in many locales. Moringa is one of the most powerful health-enhancing plants. While many things found in Nature can have one or two health benefits, Moringa has many. India's ancient tradition of ayurveda medicine sites 300 diseases that are treated with the leaves of the Moringa tree. Recent scientific research has proven that these humble leaves are in fact a powerhouse of nutritional value.

Moringa leaf is best known as an excellent source of nutrition and natural energy booster. This energy boost is not based on sugar, and so it is sustained. Moringa is also soothing. It helps lower blood pressure and is a sleep aid. Its detoxifying effect may come from Moringa's ability to purify water. Moringa acts as a coagulant attaching itself to harmful material and bacteria. It is believed that this process is taking place in the body as well.While the continued use of Moringa for food and medicinal purposes by cultures in separate and distant parts of the world attest to its beneficial effects, Moringa is a recent “discovery” of modern science. The leaves of Moringa Oleifera are nature's multi-vitamin providing 7 x the vitamin C of oranges, 4 x the calcium of milk, 4 x the vitamin A of carrots, 3 x the potassium of bananas, and 2 x the protein of yogurt. On top of that, science is proving Moringa to be a power house of nutrients; 90 are known to date, with the possibility of more yet to be identified. If that were not enough, Moringa has no known impurities, with no adverse reactions ever recorded.

others says about moringa:

in indonesia,  powder and capsules of  Moringa Tree Leaves (Moringa Oleifera) is sold at a price $ 10 per 60 capsule which's proccesed in home industries and moringa tea price is $5 per 20 count.

Cara Sederhana Agar Duri Ikan Yang Tersangkut Di Tengorokan Hilang Dengan Cepat,!!

waktu konsumsi ikan, ada resiko yang mengintip, yakni duri ikan tersangkut di tenggorokan. 

Celakanya, terkadang tidak mudah singkirkan duri ikan itu dari tenggorokan. Bermacam cara dicoba namun akhirnya percuma. 

Apabila Anda alami hal semacam itu, dari pada tersiksa sangat lama, kenapa tidak coba cara singkirkan duri ikan yang tersangkut di tenggorokan dengan langkah tersebut : 

1. Menggumpalkan nasi serta menelannya tanpa ada kunyah terutama dahulu 

Cara ini telah umum di kelompok orang-orang serta dipercaya bisa menyingkirkan masalah duri yang nyangkut di tenggorokan. 

Gumpalan nasi itu akan menggumpal serta turut singkirkan duri yang melekat di tenggorokan. 

2. Memakai air hangat serta garam 

Pertama-tama sediakan secangkir air putih campur dengan satu sendok garam, aduk hingga larut dengan air. 

Berkumurlah sembari agak menelan di pangkal tenggorokan, saat itu duri bakal lepas dari tenggorokan. 

3. Memakai minyak goreng atau minyak kelapa 

Ambil minyak goreng atau minyak kelapa yang masihlah baru, lalu berikan pada dubur. Langkah tersebut memanglah agak aneh, namun coba, Anda dapat lihat manfaatnya dengan cepat. 

Jika cara diatas masihlah belum membantu, cara paling akhir yang perlu anda kerjakan yaitu pergi ke dokter THT paling dekat, mungkin saja duri yang tertancap di tenggorokan kita sangat dalam, hingga diperlukan tenaga pakar yang bisa mencabutnya. 

Umumnya, dokter akan mengambil duri itu dengan alat spesial.